Terrier Token ($TERRIER) is best purchased and sold through Uniswap. Please note that, outside of Uniswap, exchanges which support one may not support the other.
$TERRIER is decentralized and, as such, we always incentivize the use of DEXs. If you choose to utilize a CEX instead, remember to research it first to ensure it is both safe and secure.
A crypto wallet will allow you to buy, sell, send, and receive Terrier Token. $TERRIER is an ERC20 token. We recommend using either MetaMask or AlphaWallet.
Go to Uniswap and click on the "Connect Wallet" button in the top right corner.
Be sure you're using the right $TERRIER Contract ID: 0x0dFe20CD78bc1efAa0b9a8385c900E7798a1D151
You can start swapping as soon as you have ETH available! Press ‘Select a token’ and enter the token address or search for it on the tokens list.